Hey, R...100% agree with this. Think the problem is indeed as you stated at the very end. So, what the hell can be done about getting 'sufficient numbers' in both the areas of realization and action, considering that realization must happen 1st to have any chance of the second.

Not being a smart ass here! This is all just so damned frustrating...knowing what 'needs' to happen and having not a clue as to what to actually try do about it. I realize an individual's options are limited by a lot of different things, but still...

Don't take this the wrong way. I'm just blowin' off a little steam here, I guess. I read a lot of things from a lot of places, and you and most others I read are pretty keen and skilled 'observers'. And I'm no slacker in the opinion / commenting department. Just wondering if you have a clue about the 'secret sauce' required to turn all this observing and commenting into something more than a balm for our egos? 'Cause that ain't gonna' be of much consequence in the end.

Sorry, guess that sounds a bit extreme and cynical, and like I said, it's not directed at you...or anyone in particular, for that matter. I know I have my 'vote' as a means to stand against all this bullshit, but beyond that, my tank seems pretty empty, and is running drier by the day.

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